VU4AX | Thanks in advance for your support

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If the above donation form does not work in your country, please make a manual paypal transfer to


A bank transfer within Europe is free….

IBAN Bank transfers within Europe | EC countries are free of charge.
We also receive the amount you donate without extra expenses (with Paypal there are expenses charged).
So for the DX-Pedition it is an advantage to pay by bank transfer within Europe.

 Bank no: BE98 7343 8621 3993
Bankname: KBC Bank nv | Brussels Belgium
Important: Don’t forget to include your call sign and name
 Example: ON5UR | Van Rymenant Max

Make your choice…
Donate: > 5 € | 5,50 $

You will automatically receive your QSL card by mail (QSL Direct).
LoTW upload within 48 hours | unlimited number of QSOs.
Your callsign will be listend on the DX-Adventure website.
Your callsign will be listend on the DX-Adventure Facebook page.

Donate: > 10 € | 11 $

You will automatically receive your QSL card by mail (QSL Direct).
LoTW upload within 48 hours | unlimited number of QSOs.
Your callsign will be listend on the DX-Adventure website.
Your callsign will be listend on the DX-Adventure Facebook page.

Donate: > 25 € | 28 $

You will automatically receive your QSL card by mail (QSL Direct).
LoTW upload within 48 hours | unlimited number of QSOs.
Digital “Thank you” award (.jpg – .pdf via e-mail).
You will have a chance to win one of 10 VU4AX flags
Your callsign will be listend on the DX-Adventure website.
Your callsign will be listend on the DX-Adventure Facebook page.

Donate: > 50 € | 55 $

You will automatically receive your QSL card by mail (QSL Direct).
LoTW upload within 48 hours | unlimited number of QSOs.
Digital “Thank you” award (.jpg – .pdf via e-mail).
You will receive a VU4AX scarf | a nice souvenir for your radio shack..
You will have a chance to win one of 10 VU4AX flags
Your callsign will be listend on the DX-Adventure website.
Your callsign will be listend on the DX-Adventure Facebook page.

Donate: > 100 € | 110 $

You will automatically receive your QSL card by mail (QSL Direct).
LoTW upload within 48 hours | unlimited number of QSOs.
Digital “Thank you” award (.jpg – .pdf via e-mail).
You will receive the VU4AX DX-pedition book (52 pages | high quality).
Mention your callsign and name in the VU4AX DX-pedition book..
You will have a chance to win one of 10 VU4AX flags
Your callsign will be listend on the DX-Adventure website.
Your callsign will be listend on the DX-Adventure Facebook page.

VU4AX | Win this nice VU4AX flag
VU4AX | Win this nice VU4AX flag

Anyone who makes a donation of at least 25 euros will have a chance to win one of 10 VU4AX flags (100 x 70 cm).

With a donation from 50 Euro you will also receive a VU4AX souvenir, a nice VU4AX scarf (17 x 125 cm) a nice souvenir that should not be missing in your radio shack.

With a donation from 100 Euro you will receive the VU4AX book (size A4 | 21,0 x 29,7 cm) 52 pages full of memories and lots of pictures of the DX-pedition. Your callsign and name will also appear in the book and you will relive the VU4AX DX-pedition again at home.