HF Stations
6 stations, in the air 24 hours a day
11 days on South Andaman Island
Clublog | Most Wanted
Ranking World n° 54 | USA n° 31
37 suitcases | 850 kg material
   • 23.07.2024 | We are very proud to have a main sponsor like DX-Engineering (USA)
DX-Engineering USA | sponsor VU4X

Who says DX-Engineering immediately thinks of the world-known dealer of radio equipment in the USA, which is also known for developing its own products and antennas. Those who say DX-Engineering often immediately think of Tim Duffy K3LR, the company’s CEO. Also known for the Multi contest station K3LR.

After announcing our VU4X Andaman Islands DXpedition, Tim K3LR immediately put us in touch with Teri Grizer K8MNJ the DX-Engineering DXpedition Coordinator. A few days later came the good news that they would support our DX-pedition.

So the DX-Adventure team is extremely proud to have a main sponsor like DX-Engineering and greatly appreciate their support.

   • 28.06.2024 | Meeting with our main sponsor 403A | Ham Radio Germany
ON8AZ Francis - 4O3A Ranko - ON5UR Max | Ham Radio 2024

From the very beginning, 4O3A announced itself as the main sponsor of the new DX-Adventure DX-pedition. During Ham Radio 2024 in Friedrichshafen | Germany, Francis ON8AZ and Max ON5UR had a nice meeting with Ranko 403A. Where they thanked Ranko extensively for his trust in VU4X.

4O3A | Main sponsor VU4X 2025
   • 25.06.2024 | Remote location found in West of South Andaman Island
VU4X location south Andaman Island

Location on the West Coast of the Andaman Islands

Finding a suitable location was also a very important task. Fortunately, there’s Google Maps, where you can deeply explore the location and surroundings.

We found several locations and eventually chose the most remote one, hoping that the QRM level here would be okay. Soon, the first contacts were made, and phone appointments were arranged with Bashir, the owner of the property. He didn’t know our hobby at all and didn’t quite understand our goal. After some additional explanations and showing our permits from the “Ministry of Communications” and the necessary approvals from the “Ministry of Foreign Affairs,” Bashir informed us that we were welcome.

The location is truly in “the middle of nowhere,” in the middle of nature, and also right by the water on the west side of South Andaman Island. Our stations will be set up in huts located just 80 meters from the shoreline. We also have the possibility to build some antennas on the beach. But more news on that later.

In the meantime, we are actively looking for a company that can transport all our luggage from the airport in Port Blair to our remote location.

VU4X | Location Andaman Islands
VU4X location south Andaman Island
VU4X location south Andaman Island
VU4X location south Andaman Island
   • 10.04.2024 | Itinerary adjusted

Due to the large amount of luggage we were forced to change and our departure point is now Charles de Gaulle | Paris France.

The large amount of luggage was also refused via the high-speed train, from Belgium to Paris. As a result we are forced to travel by tour bus from Kortrijk – Belgium to CDG in Paris.

In total we will be on the road for more than 40 hours to reach our location on South Andaman Island.
The return journey will take more than 46 hours.

Bus: Kortrijk Belgium | Paris France
Flight 1: Paris France | Delhi India
Flight 2: Delhi India | Kokotha India
Flight 3: Kokotha India | Port Blair Andaman Islands