VU4X | Your support helps!
Commercial sponsors | DX Foundations | Clubs
Thank you for trusting DX-Adventure!

Every DX-pedition is a very big challenge each time again. It costs a lot of money and you need a lot of equipment. Through the fine cooperation with our sponsors, DX Foundations and clubs, together we try to make it a very big success. We are very thankful to everyone for their efforts..

Main Sponsors
VU4X Sponsor DX Engineering USA
VU4X Sponsor 4O3A
VU4X Sponsor Meditrans
VU4X Weepee Telecom
VU4X Sponsor Spiderbeam
VU4X | Messi & Paoloni coaxial cables - connectors
VU4X Sponsor Wimo
DX Foundations
VU4X | INDEXA The International DX Association
VU4X | TCDXA Twin City DX Association
VU4X | NIDXA Northern Illinois DX Association
VU4X | Mediterraneo DX Club
VU4X | Madison DX Group
VU4X | RSGB - Radio Society of Great Britain
VU4X | SEDXC Southeastern DX Club
VU4X | NCDXA National Capitol DX Association
VU4X | WWDXC Western Washington DX Club
VU4X | GDXF German DX Foundation
VU4X | European DX Foundation
VU4X | LA DX Group
VU4X | SDXA - Spokane DX Association
VU4X | FEDXP Foundation
CDXC Chiltern DX Club
VU4X | ADXA Arkansas DX Association
VU4X | KC5WXA Amateur Radio Club
VU4X | Danish DX Group
Clubs | Magazines
The Daily DX
VU4X | QST Magazine | ARRL
VU4X | Electron Magazine | Veron
VU4X | CQ-QSO Magazine | UBA